Agents' case makes Rohrabacher see red
The other day I ran into Orange County Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher at a Memorial Day event. And with just two words from me, the congressman's face was suddenly wreathed in an angry red mist. (Ramos & Compean) Read More...\
![]() | noinvade wrote: Dear Mr. Dillow, I applaud you for telling the truth about the Ramos and Compean dilemna when so few columnists in southern California will. Thank you so much for your interview time and tedious details in exposing this worst of all travesties of justice. Sincerely, Jim Wood 6/9/2008 9:26:55 PM
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![]() | tuebor wrote: Mr. Dillow Great article. I talked to Congressman Rohrabacker twice about the Ramos and Compean injustice at a rally in front of his office and it does hit him personally that something like this could happen. Many congressman wont lift a finger for you if your not in their district, but Congressman Rohrabacker is one of the leaders in getting these two men released 6/9/2008 3:51:55 PM
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![]() | brittanicus wrote: Complicity between the El Paso prosecutors office and the corrupt government of Mexico is a traumatic experience for these to US agents. Locked in prison when all they did was stop another haul of drugs imported into our nation, for use of our kids. There is no no doubt in my mind that there is a huge cover up here, seeing that President Bush is a personal friend of Sutton The two-tier border fence as originally drafted by Rep.Duncan Hunter (R-CA) has been undermined by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The American people should ask and her party members why? Why wouldn't she want to slow the movement of drugs, the gun runners, illegal immigration and the infestation of terrorists and the taxpayers traumatic expenditure to support illegal alien families. Why wouldn't the Democrats, judges, want to halt access to child pedophiles, female assaults, murders, robbers and Social security theft that do not get wide press.Why would Madam Pelosi want a poorly constructed fence of just one row or not even completing its whole length? As I understand it Democratic leaders are threatening them with alienation, from campaign contribution resources. Remember we can stop illegal immigration with this bill if enacted. The next president is going to sign a massive AMNESTY. Take into account the SAVE ACT, would strengthen state immigration laws, like the latest that qualified in South Carolina. Any activist left-wing judge, pro-illegal business entity, ethnic radical group, corporate business cartel would be overruled by this bill in Congress. The SAVE ACT (H.R.4088) has 'zero tolerance' for parasite employers or illegal immigrants and is all encompassing the whole nation. Without a job, they go home by self-deportation. Only the American can stop another AMNESTY? Toll free at 18778516437 and 18662200044 & 12022243121 6/9/2008 12:25:12 PM
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![]() | mrnice2u wrote: This kind of story make me wonder why anyone would want to become a law enforcement officer. The people of this country need to realize that law enforcement are there as our hired guns. They go to battle for us against the kinds of people we're too affraid of confronting. Yet, these same citizens will throw law enforcement under the bus for doing the job we hired them to do. WHAT A CROCK!!!!!!! 6/9/2008 12:06:14 PM
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![]() | eyeopener wrote: Anyone care to read between the lines? Check the history of these agents. I once worked for a police department that was too inept to get hard core drug dealers. Eventually though one was sent to prison. Yep, for a suspended drivers license this guy went to San Quentin. 6/9/2008 7:30:49 AM
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![]() | campominuteman wrote: These two agents are heroes,trying to stop the flow of dangerous drugs into our country. 6/8/2008 9:00:31 PM
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![]() | ocnewsjunky wrote: Americans need to wake up! It seems as though each day another American is unjustly charged or sentenced in favor of illegal aliens. George Bush and John McCain are more concerned about the welfare of Mexico than their own countrymen. But, what's scarier is that Obama is even worse! 6/8/2008 1:21:17 PM
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![]() | hopen2 wrote: Thank you Mr. Dillow for writing about this case. Ramos and Compean are innocent! They were protecting our porous borders in a high drug traffic region. They were prosecuted for doing their jobs. I personally know the Ramos family and have read the transcripts and reviewed other paperwork sources. There were no errors made by Nacho Ramos - period!! Compean even filed a report and supervisors were on the scene. This was malicious prosecution by Johnny Sutton who has previously maliciously prosecuted other law enforcement and border patrol agents including Gary Brugman, Gilmer Hernandez, and Noe Aleman. Sutton has a history of protecting drug smugglers! He is the one who should be prosecuted! Free Ramos & Compean! 6/8/2008 11:59:03 AM
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![]() | sochotrod wrote: just like the rest of this country, everything has gone backwards 6/8/2008 7:40:21 AM |