Ramos & Compean
'Free agents by Christmas' plan gains momentum
A bipartisan effort in Washington to encourage the president to free imprisoned U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean in time to spend Christmas with their families is gaining ground. -- A new bipartisan coalition yesterday delivered a letter to the White House...
Dear Mr. Loya, like you and your family, your friends the Compeans, and LOTS of your DEEPLY caring fellow Americans, I would LOVE to see Nacho and Jose FREE IN TIME for CHRISTMAS with you all! But, JUST IN CASE, I have sent a CHRISTMAS card with a LETTER to EACH of them! Let's hope and pray that Nacho and Jose are DELUGED with Christmas cards, letters, and e-mail so they will know they are NOT forgotten! MERRY Christmas to THEM and to YOU good people!
Dear Mr. Loya and family: Last Saturday, after over five months of public protest in Dallas, TX, the number of responses FOR Nacho and Jose PASSED 400! That was so GREAT! However, something even GREATER was in the works! For, when I at last arrived home, guess what was in MY mailbox?! A LETTER from NONE other than our DEAR FELLOW PATRIOT JOSE COMPEAN:
"I want to thank you for the Christmas card. I also want to thank you for your support. I'm doing alright. Just waiting to hear from the court. I hope we get some good news soon. I think I did get your e-mail. I've only had a few like that, but your name sounds familiar. Thank you also for telling other people about our case. I hope you and your family had a merry Christmas. Again, thank you for all you have done for us. My family and I are very grateful. God bless you and your family. Sincerely, Jose Compean."
God bless you, too, dear fellow patriot, and keep you INTACT in body and soul until you (AND Nacho!) at last WALK FREE FOREVER!
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