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"We ask that a full investigation of this case be ordered immediately," they went on to say in the letter sent to the White House yesterday. "We are confident that during such an investigation you will find that these Border Patrol agents were acting within the scope of their duty and were unjustly prosecuted. Also, we ask that you use your power of presidential pardon, as granted by the United States Constitution in Article II, Section 2, to pardon these two Border Patrol agents. We understand these requests usually are for those that have already completed their sentences; however, we feel in this case it would be a miscarriage of justice to send these two Border Patrol agents to prison for protecting our nation's borders from an illegal drug smuggler." Read More
Feds say Border Patrol agents
were 'out to shoot Mexicans'
Congressmen say no proof was offered
of charge against 2 facing prison terms
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